Happy Hour
Monday - Friday 4pm to 7pm
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The Best Hookah Lounge in Las Vegas
Ali Baba Cousine is the best hookah lounge in Las Vegas. We provide all kinds of hookhas and all different flavors.
What Is a Hookah?
A hookah is an oriental pipe, which is also called a shisha, a goza, a nargile (pronounced nar-geelah), a hubble-bubble or hubbly-bubbly, a water pipe. A hookah consists of one or more long flexible stems connected to a container of water or other liquid. A hookha device consists of a large bowl, a plate for the tobacco, a chamber for the water, and multiple tubes so that many can smoke from the pipe at once. When sucking on the hose, the smoke is drawn down the pipe and through the water, which cools and filters it. This also produces a enjoyable bubbling sound, which is as peaceful and delightful now as the prospect of blowing bubbles in a glass of milk when we were in our childhood.
A Better Choice of Enjoying Your Habit
Because of this smoothness and the fact that it is light, filtered, and cooled. So for the people who could not quit smoking, a hookah is a better choice to minimize the bad effects of smoking while enjoying your habit.